For us, responsible mining encompasses excellence in performance and disclosure on health & safety, environmental management, community engagement, good governance and human rights.
While our existence as an organization depends on our ability to deliver value to our shareholders, we are committed to doing so in a way that makes a positive difference in the lives of our team members and neighbouring communities.
ESG News
We derive substantial business value from our unique approach to creating, sustaining and improving productive social cohesion. We treat people with dignity and respect, act as a responsible steward of our mineral endowment and operate with transparency and fairness in order to build trust and meaningful relationships.
We are proud that over the past decade, literally from nothing, we have built an operation that has delivered economic prosperity and social benefit to thousands of people in Mexico. Our commitment is to support development initiatives that provide long-lasting benefits to local communities beyond the life of our operations.
We commit to continuous improvement in our performance associated with corporate social responsibility (CSR) to deepen the strong trust and relationships we have built with our employees and key stakeholders.
We also commit to continuous improvement in terms of the disclosure and reporting of material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues to meet the information needs of our investors and other capital providers.

World Gold Council Responsible Gold Mining Principles

In December 2020, Torex became a member of the World Gold Council (WGC) and made a commitment to adopt the WGC’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles, a framework that sets clear expectations for member companies to adhere to the highest standards of ethics and corporate responsibility. The Principles are designed to provide confidence to governments, investors, employees and contractors, communities, supply chain partners and civil society that gold has been produced responsibly. More information about the Responsible Gold Mining Principles can be found here.
Torex released its Year 3 RGMP final Conformance Report in August 2024, which can be found here.
In addition to the Responsible Gold Mining Principles, our performance and disclosure is guided by leading industry sustainability practices and by international guidelines. Click here to read more.
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